This mod does not affect any sim behaviours. If you want your sims to be nudists, you will have to download nude clothes. What this mod DOESN'T do! This mod does not allow you to make your sims naked anywhere other than they normally would be. The original mod, prior to toddlers, was a simple edit of the same DATA resource as above but in the ClientFullBuild0.package. It should not conflict with anything, as the censor file is a standalone file within the package. But keep going until you've tested everything you have though as more than one thing could be causing the problem.This mod is a simple edit of the DATA resource 0x545AC67A 0x00D6FA33 0xDEAD4915C9C6C0D8 file in the ClientDeltaBuild0.package. Then just narrow it down to the file that is causing the problem and remove it. Just keep going until the problem shows up again. If not, then move the items you tested out and and move some more over and try again. The 50/50 method is the usual way folks do it but I find that the quickest way is to start moving (or copying) things over to the vanilla game mods folder a little bit at the time and see if the problem shows. I would test mods first and if no problems are found, then move on to cc. Or if you use any mods with built in default replacement body parts, it could be those. The last patch did give us nails so I would check any custom default replacement feet meshes you have just to make sure they still work. The most likely culprit causing your problem is a cc shirt but it could be something else too like a custom skin tone that uses a custom mesh or a default replacement.

So back to your original The Sims 4 folder. If the problem is not there in a vanilla game, then it's definitely a cc or mod issue. If it is, then you will need to do a game repair and try again so see if the problem clears up. Then go to CAS and see if the problem is still there. A new The Sims 4 folder will be created by the game so no worries. Just move your current folder to the desktop or another safe location outside of the Electronic Arts folder and start the game. So first thing I suggest is to create a new vanilla game in a separate The Sims 4 folder without any mods or cc. But best to be sure it's not something gone wrong in the game first. Probably a mod since a ton of them got broken. So, it is most likely a cc or mod issue that got broken by the last patch. And in my my case, it was a default replacement upper body mesh causing the issue. Information, Guides and Announcements for the EA app.