It's worth noting at this point that Hao's willing to give you a free car, too, assuming you've beaten Hao's Time and are a returning player. Do keep in mind that you'll need to know How to Find the LS Car Meet and Become a Member before you can progress further. You'll even get a free tuning conversion for your troubles, as well as a bunch of bonus cosmetics. You'll get a call from Hao confirming that you passed the test, and he'll tell you to stop off at Hao's Special Works to upgrade your car. The end of the time trial is conveniently just outside Cypress Flats, which is where the LS Car Meet takes place. Once you've done all that, load into GTA Online and follow the steps outlined below. Note that this is only possible in the PS5 or new-gen version of the game, so you'll need to learn How to Transfer Your Character from PS4 to PS5 first. On this page, we're going to explain how to upgrade cars at Hao's Special Works. GTA Online: How to Upgrade Cars at Hao's Special Works

How do you upgrade cars at Hao's Special Works in GTA Online? Hao's Special Works is a new addition to the LS Car Meet which allows you to upgrade select cars with special HSW Tuning Upgrades that are exclusive to the new-gen version of the game, including the PS5. All CircoLoco Records USB Sticks Locations.How to Upgrade Cars at Hao's Special Works.

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